22 years ago when I bought my fitness biz I told everybody that ladies should be working out with weights if they wanted to be really healthy and look and feel amazing!
Pretty much all laughed as we were in the craze of the birth of commercial gyms with hundreds of cardio machines and ladies doing nothing but cardio (That was one of the main reasons I set the very first gym based Bootcamp up for ladies to give them access to working out with weights in a group environment to be able to support each other) But I told everybody - one day this will be different, I look around now and see how that's changed, I see women weight training just like the guys do, not surprising given the health benefits especially as they age, here's why 👇 Weight training is an important part of any fitness program, but it is especially beneficial for women as they age. Lifting weights can help you maintain muscle mass, improve your balance and stability, and even reduce your risk of injury. With these benefits in mind, let’s take a closer look at how weight training can benefit women as they age. First and foremost, weight training is an effective way to maintain muscle mass. As we age, our muscles tend to decrease in size and strength. This can lead to a decrease in our overall physical fitness levels. However, by lifting weights regularly, we can maintain our muscle mass and therefore maintain our physical fitness level. Additionally, as we age our bones tend to become weaker and more prone to fractures. Weight training can help strengthen our bones and reduce our risk of fracture. Weight training can also help improve your balance and stability. Balance and stability are important for reducing the risk of falls and injuries, especially as we age. Weight training can help build the muscles that are responsible for balance and stability, making everyday activities easier and reducing our risk of injury. Finally, weight training can help reduce your risk of certain chronic diseases. Studies have shown that weight training can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Additionally, weight training can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis, two conditions that are common in older adults. In conclusion, weight training is an important part of any fitness program, but it is especially beneficial for women as they age. Weight training can help maintain muscle mass, improve balance and stability, and reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases. Therefore, it is important for all women to incorporate weight training into their regular fitness routine.
Weight loss may seem like a vain goal for some. But for many people, losing weight can actually save their lives. In fact, weight loss is very important for a huge chunk of the population given that the Health Survey for England revealed that 28% of Brits are obese. Unfortunately, professor Indranil Dasgupta of the University Hospital Birmingham states that healthy obesity does not exist and that this chronic condition increases your risk of developing serious issues like kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases, and even strokes. To avoid these health risks and shed some kilograms, one of the first things that you’ll need to do is start a workout program. Many types of exercise exist, but people frequently recommend cardio or weight training for weight loss. So if you want to achieve your target weight, here’s what you need to know about the most effective exercise for weight loss: Is It Better to Do Cardio Or Should You Lift Weights Instead? Here’s the truth: both cardio and weight training can effectively burn body fat. What’s tricky, though, is that these two exercises reduce body fat differently and produce different perceived results. To clarify, strength and conditioning experts from Liverpool John Moores University explained that cardio exercises like running and cycling can lead to greater perceived weight loss because they reduce your body fat and your muscle size. However, weight or resistance training seems to be more effective for long-term weight loss because it can increase the number of calories that you burn at rest. In other words, while cardio burns fat during your exercise program, weight training develops your muscles’ ability to break down fat during and after your workout. Personal trainers Scott Woods and Alex Bailey also highly recommend strength training for weight loss because engaged muscles can burn more calories. By building up the muscles in your body, you can increase your basal metabolic rate and encourage your body to burn more calories throughout the day. As an added bonus, you can get a more sculpted physique once you shed the extra weight. A Closer Look at The Habits That Lead to Weight Loss Of course, your exercise program is just one of the many activities that can help you lose weight. While it can definitely help you shed tons of kilograms, you’ll also need to keep an eye on the other habits that can affect weight. For starters, you’ve got to mind your diet. For sustainable weight loss, this means that you’ll also have to keep your nutritional and caloric intake in check. To better regulate your calories, WeightWatchers notes that your weight loss plan should be designed based on your target weight, your health goals, and even your favourite foods. An IQVIA survey of 14,000 doctors revealed that medical professionals recommend this approach because it simplifies the steps towards your health goals and incorporates your favourite foods as rewards for the healthy choices that you’ve made. So instead of restricting yourself with fad or yo-yo diets, choose the meal plan that can help you manage your calorie intake healthily and sustainably. Aside from diet, you should also pay attention to an important puzzle piece in your weight loss journey: your mental health. You may think that your mental and physical health are two separate things. However, our article on the ‘Benefits of Exercise for Physical and Mental Health’ emphasizes that your mental and physical well-being actually affect each other. After all, poor mental health can tempt you to eat unhealthy snacks and skip regular workouts. Alternatively, when your mental health is good, you’re more likely to make rational decisions and feel more motivated. There are a lot of components that can affect your weight loss journey. By striking the right balance with all these elements, you can lose those excess kilograms and even manage to keep them off for a happier and healthier life. Article contributed by Riley Jessen Exclusively for IAN GLASS FITNESS I Was Not Prepared To Waste Any Time Without associating time to your goals, you are not going to get them done. It’s easy to declare and talk about goals and make wishes that you’ll get them accomplished. But, too many other activities will get in the way or excuses. You need to create some accountability, and one great way to do that is to assign time to your tasks, give them a time and date to be completed.
Make realistic time frames. Sometimes, even when you choose a time frame that is realistic, you don’t account for other tasks that may interrupt your schedule. There will always be something that creeps up and can serve to derail your goals, so factor this in. There’s also the situation where others control setting time frames for you. If you work for someone else, he or she will expect you to complete certain tasks. You will have to negotiate the amount of time needed to complete those tasks. It’s usually not to your benefit, which means putting in extra hours and working weekends. It may not be fair, but it is something that happens to many people. Others may have a say in how your time is managed. Your kids have places they need to go, and you’ll need to get them there. You may need to spend time on those activities, but driving will take time out of your day, all should be factored in. The point is to make sure to account for the unexpected time that will take you away from your allocated tasks. Some like to call this a fudge factor. If you haven’t been doing so, keep track of your time so you can refer to it at a later date. You want to record the interruptions as well as the usual tasks. You can then get an average of the interruptions and account for them with your future time allocations. If you don’t keep track of this information, it’s going to be difficult to advance your goals. You will keep putting off what you want to accomplish and using the interruptions as the reasons why you can’t get stuff done. When you create a list of goals, associate time to them, and account for interruptions, you can have it all. Sometimes, you’ll get off track and stop recording your time. Try to get back on track as quickly as possible and don’t beat yourself up that it happened. It’s never too late to start up again, and when you get your goals accomplished, it will give you a sense of purpose which will make it all worthwhile. Don't waste time just drifting talking about goals but never accomplishing any of them. iG The benefits of exercise for physical and mental healthThe benefits of exercise for physical and mental health
When people start thinking about physical exercise and losing weight, we should never lose sight of the fact we should also make sure what ever we are going to do also improves our mental health Our mental health and physical health are both joined together, they go together, in my 21 years working with people inside my own fitness business I have yet to see anybody that vastly improved their physical health that didn’t also improve their mental health. Nothing is more important than how we feel, physically and mentally, we should all want to be healthy and feel happy. We had a mental health crisis long before this pandemic hit, it’s even greater now, people are struggling with their mental health like never before and exercise has a vital role to play in helping people The benefits of exercise on our mental health are well documented, but in my opinion not spoken about enough inside the fitness industry, an industry obsessed with pushing workouts and diets Some of the benefits include • Improved sleep and quality of sleep * Increased confidence • Increased self esteem • Helps with anxiety and depression • Great for stress relief • Improvement in mood • Increased energy • Reduced tiredness that can increase mental alertness • Weight loss • Improved health And the best part is, you don’t even have to join or attend a gym to get these benefits, yes, I own a gym and I’m telling you that you don’t need to use a gym to make these improvements in your life One of the best (I do it myself daily) exercises to help with your overall health is walking, specifically walking outside with nature, something pretty much we all can do, and it’s completely free There are study’s showing this, so its not just taking my word for it, scientists have looked at and studied this, the benefits are clear So before you start any health and fitness regime, remember that it doesn’t have to be complicated, the humble walk outdoors would be a great place to start for most. Ian - Founder / Coach Losing 10% - 15% of my bodyweight would have left me living with massive health risksAt my heaviest I was around 330lbs, well I stopped getting weighed once I had hit 330, it could have been more, and I'm only 5ft 10, not exactly tall am I, but once I was in the dark pit of hitting rock bottom getting weighed wasn't my biggest concern
When I started my weight loss journey I knew two things 1. I was not prepared to stay this weight, this unhealthy and this unhappy 2. If I didn't do anything I was going to die young When I told people what my goals were, to lose at least 100 lbs and look and feel amazing I was told it cant be done, you cant do that, this coming from people that had never achieved a fcking thing, obvious alarm bells ringing not to listen to these people I told them I wanted to look like a bodybuilder, no that will never happen they said, you gonna have loads of loose skin, they got that wrong too, although i did admit to myself this could be a real issue, but I put my trust in the way I was approaching this weight loss and life transformation journey and we would figure it out when and if we got there - yes we did Now those that know my story know the outcome, this blog post isn't about my story, it's about other people telling you what your goals should be and one thing I recently keep seeing is "weight loss" guru / doctors / trainers repeating this notion that aiming to lose 10%- 15% of bodyweight and keep that weight off would be the best approach for those looking to lose weight - that's others telling you what your goals should be So let's go with that 10 - 15%, that means that i would be living with been anywhere between 280 lbs and 300 lbs still Now like I said earlier I am not exactly tall and this would mean at those bodyweight's my health risks would still have been massive At risk of heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, cancers, heart disease I've seen this claim that losing just 10% - 15% of bodyweight would give health benefits and a better quality of life Now if you are massively overweight like I was this isn't making any difference, the impact on my life would have been insignificant, but I guess it's easy to give advice when you haven't been overweight or lived with those health risks I was never going to set out to just lose "a little weight" and still live with massive health risks, I was all in I think a lot of this comes from the claim that 95% of people that lose weight regain it all back within 3 years (Fat Loss Forever - Dr Layne Norton) and this has been spun to claim that 95% of people that diet fail, these are not the same thing, realistically, we all follow some type of diet People are very successful with losing weight, dieting, they just not successful with keeping that weight off, something I have done for over 20 years, but then my approach isn't doing what others have done or are telling you to do Trying to make out that weight loss success rates are high isn't been honest, but then we are on about the fitness industry, very few are honest Ian - Formerly Obese What do you expect from a Bootcamp?What do you expect from a Bootcamp?
Is it just an exercise class? Is it to be forced on a boring bland diet? Is it been told by a young kid what you are allowed to do and not allowed to do outside of the gym? If it's any of the above then my Bootcamp is NOT for you We dont just exercise for the sake of exercising Exercise is NOT for weight loss either read that again 👆 Inside my Bootcamp we dont exercise - we workout We workout to be strong We workout to be fitter We workout to look better We workout to function better We workout to be healthier NOT to lose weight because exercise is NOT for weight loss Anybody tries telling you different they straight up lying to you Weight loss happens through nutrition Something we also coach inside of our Bootcamp We do NOT let you believe because you have exercised you will magically lose weight This is why we are the exact opposite of an "exercise class" This is a coaching program We coach you to have ✅Better health ✅To be stronger ✅To be fitter ✅To lose weight if that is your goal ✅To have a better quality of life ✅To change your mindset ✅To build new habits If your looking to join a Bootcamp and dont just want another "exercise" class then lt's have a chat Bootcamp Speak soon Ian - Bootcamp King We use our teeth every day to eat, but it’s all too easy to take them for granted.
The truth is, dental health is just as important as your other physical health. By neglecting it, you’re inviting a myriad of potential issues. What’s more, by improving your dental health, you can boost your confidence and feel better about your smile. But how exactly can you improve your dental health to boost your self-confidence? Here are just a few ways you can improve your dental health. Brush for two minutes, twice a dayBrushing your teeth is all well and good but did you know there’s an ideal time you ought to be spending on the task? Two minutes spent brushing your teeth twice a day is proven to reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Not a particularly consistent person? Buy yourself a mechanical toothbrush with a timer setting and let it do the counting for you. Remember to floss Brushing is only step one in the routine of a healthy mouth. You should also be flossing every day. Flossing dislodges particles of food trapped between your teeth and ensures your gums are kept healthy. Gums bleeding when you brush your teeth? This is likely an indication you ought to be flossing more consistently. Use mouthwash You’ve brushed, you’ve flossed, now what? The answer is simple: mouthwash. The right mouthwash can protect against a myriad of issues such as gum disease and bacteria buildup. It’s also a great way to freshen your breath. Visit your dentist regularlyPrevention is better than a cure, so it’s essential that you regularly see your dentist. Regular checkups can ensure small issues don’t become major problems. Regular dentist visits also include regular professional cleaning – essential to the health of your teeth and gums. You should see your dentist no fewer than once every six months. This schedule will ensure your dental health is well taken care of. Don’t drink soft drinks Soft drinks are one of the biggest culprits for degrading the enamel of your teeth. Unfortunately, they’re also one of the most common drinks available for purchase. As tempting as that sugar hit is, though, your teeth will thank you for cutting out soft drinks. Don’t grind your teeth Grinding your teeth is a bad habit that ought to be broken where possible. If you find yourself grinding, unlock your jaw and relax your mouth. Do you grind in your sleep? It may be time to visit your dentist and have yourself fitted with a mouth guard for use when you’re sleeping. This will help protect your teeth and improve your dental health. Reduce stress If you’re constantly stressed, muscle tension can cause you to clench your jaw which could lead to TMJ issues. Also, grinding your teeth could cause significant wear and tear on your teeth and could even loosen them. Improve your oral health by finding ways to reduce stress in your everyday life. Start a fitness routine, use your vacation days, and keep a clutter-free and organized home. A healthy mouth is a happy mouth. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to improve your dental health and boost your self-confidence. Guest Blog by Marjorie McMillian comeongetwell.net PS. You shouldn't neglect your dental health like you shouldn't neglect your physical health, for all Personal Training / Bootcamp 7 Weight Loss - hit a contact form at www.ianglassfitness.com Be as obsessed with how you feed your mind as you are your body
For those that don't know who this is, this is Admiral McRaven
If you haven't seen his speech that went viral then i suggest you watch it It's powerful I watch it regular, especially when i'm feeling a little overwhelmed with life, always gives me perspective again, it's a great guide to get my shit back together In fact it's just a great guide to life Nearly all that set out on a weight loss journey have greater problems to address than just how and what they eat I've seen this first hand over the last 20 years of helping people transform ot just their health but their lives, we certainly didn't do it with a fcking diet or magic workout Yet this fitness industry sells the BS constantly And it's only able to do so because people keep letting them, always looking for a quick fix to transforming their lives which they have spent many years getting to the point they are at yet expect some magic transformation to happen in weeks or months Well it's just not gonna happen no matter how much you want it to I'll give you the bullet points from his speech and link the video - watch it
Sit back and enjoy the speech Thanks Admiral McRaven
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Keep Gyms Open How Will Gyms Potentially Shutting Down Affect Mental Health? - Guest Blog By Mark Whitfield.
The COVID-19 Situation in the UK Currently When the first national lockdown ended, people all over the UK let out a sigh of relief, finally getting back to ‘normal’ after over 12 weeks of being stuck in the house! On the 25th of July, Boris Johnson announced that gyms (and other venues) were allowed to reopen and get business started again. Gyms had to make a lot of changes to adapt to this new world with COVID-19 and to reopen safely, avoiding spreading the virus further. However, now there are lots of local lockdowns, especially in the North - A second national lockdown is back on the table, even if it’s just for 2 weeks as a circuit breaker. From the 12th of October, the government introduced a new lockdown tier system; consisting of a medium, high and very high tier (1st, 2nd & 3rd). Gyms can stay open if they’re located in areas with tier 1 and 2 restrictions; if their premises are COVID-secure and social distancing & extra cleaning can be done. Although, if your gyms fall into the third tier of restrictions it will be forced to close until case numbers drop in the area, as well as many other businesses - Non-compliance can lead to large fines and even prosecutions in serious cases. This will not just affect the economy, but also the mental health of those living under tighter lockdowns. A survey conducted by UCL looking into the effects of the first lockdown on people's mental health. During the 10th week, participants overall had a much worse mental wellbeing, with many people reporting symptoms of anxiety, depression and serious stress - with many thinking of self-harm or suicide. The government has an extremely hard job to do; trying to balance COVID cases, physical & mental wellbeing and the economy. All 3 could have a major impact on people's lives! Do Gyms Have a Positive Effect on Mental Health? Many people depend on going to the gym for their health & fitness, but also as a social outlet. Gym culture revolves around healthy ideals and a community of support, having positive effects on most people who visit. Both gym members and staff help to create a safe space for people to exercise and to encourage a healthy lifestyle (both physically and mentally)! Initially, joining a new gym and starting to get back into exercise can seem scary but it’s an environment made for supporting those who want to get fit. When exercising, the brain signals to your body to start producing chemicals called endorphins! These chemicals are proven to reduce the effects of pain & stress, regulate appetite and can make people feel euphoric - This is why some people get ‘addicted’ to exercise. A review of research looking at exercises' effect on mental health found that symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression were greatly reduced when participants exercised for 30 minutes, 3 days a week! It is thought this is the effect of endorphins - Many doctors advise those suffering from poor mental health to start exercising to boost their mood. Without gyms, many people would struggle to motivate themselves to get out and exercise. Gyms don’t just promote a healthy body, but also a healthy mind - Lots of people join the gym to grow and develop as an individual, not just to get a fit body! The gym can also help people socialise and gain a support system, which they may not previously had access to. People who go to the gym often have similar ideals or goals, which can create real friendships! UK research found that gyms can make a supportive community for gym-goers mental health, often providing a much-needed support bubble for people with more isolated lives. How Will Gyms Closing Affect Mental Health? Overall, we know that gyms & exercise can provide many different positive effects on people's mental health. With many gyms facing closure, people are worried that all these positive effects will disappear and once again mental health in the UK will decline. If an area falls into the third tier of lockdown restrictions, mental health issues will surely rise once again. Gyms can often help those who suffer from sleep issues, improve confidence, self-esteem, energy and social withdrawal - Losing access to them could cause chaos for many UK residents. Affording expensive gym equipment is not an option for many people and with the winter months approaching, exercising outside may no longer be viable. Socially, gyms are also very important - research has shown that those without social support suffer when exposed to negative life events, having a knock-on effect on their mental health. Gyms offer many people with social support, which is especially important for those who live a more isolated life, potentially being the only form of support available to them! In these stressful and uncertain times, gyms offer a great distraction and release, closing them again could have dire consequences - causing many people more stress. We are still suffering from the effects of the first lockdown, many feel a second would be devastating for mental health. So, What are Gyms Doing to Stay COVID-Secure? The role of gyms in society is extremely important, now more than ever, all across the world people want to stay fit and healthy - Not just for their physical health, but for mental health too! Since the start of the pandemic, gyms have put in a lot of hard work to reopen and stay safe. The government has provided guidance on how to work safety during the pandemic, with some specific advice for gyms. From the 28th of September, it became a legal requirement for COVID-secure measures to be in place at gyms and other leisure venues. Gyms that don’t comply could be given large fines or even face closure. There are 7 steps gyms have taken to reduce the transmission of the virus, which are:
The response from gyms during this pandemic has been amazing, with many speaking to health and safety consultants to implement new measures, going above and beyond what the government advised. Hundreds of gyms across the UK have started offering online workout classes and PT sessions (via zoom, skype, etc), this is an amazing method to reduce social contact and it keeps the support and social aspect of going to the gym. By Milo "Doc Watson‘Move more eat less’, or as I like to call it ‘The Big Mac’ of weight loss. This is the end-all and be-all of where you, yourself, can be the architect of your own body. Yes! Even you, sitting there reading this right now while eating a Big Mac. You are in charge, no one else. You’re now probably thinking ‘what the f**k is this guy talking about?!’. Well allow me to tell you. Calories in, calories out; also known as the First Law of Thermodynamics; which is where energy can be transformed from one form to another but cannot be created or destroyed – AKA Food to fat or food to muscle. Now before you go throw that Big Mac in the bin, remember what I just said. It cannot be created or destroyed. Now the outcome of that food is determined by all the factors you throw at it. Your body requires so much energy a day to just breathe. Now imagine how much energy your whole body needs to move around all day, running after the kids, walking the dog etc., and all this while breathing! I’m getting tired myself just thinking about it. Now back to the Big Mac. If you ate that succulent double layer of pickle and beef yet still didn’t provide enough energy, or calories as we like to call it, to sustain your body and your daily habits of running around, what would happen? Well you’ve just fallen for the laws of thermodynamics. Your body needs to sustain itself to survive and you haven’t given enough energy to be transformed to another form. So this is where your body has a plan. Yes while you’re thinking away about what to do tonight in your free time your body is working hard. Your body knows exactly where to get that energy back. That’s right, fat! Your body is pretty smart. It’s a powerful tool that we take for granted and guess who’s driving the ship. That’s right – you! You have to power to make a change, you just gotta wake up that scientist inside and get the power of thermodynamics on your side. Remember, there is no complicated rules to this. The universe has done all the work, you just have to take advantage of the tools the universe has given you. You want to lose weight? Eat less! Want to gain weight? Eat more! There are no complicated rules to this. Don’t restrict yourself and enjoy your life, because that’s what’s most important. So enjoy your Big Mac and take pride that you, yourself, are a scientist and you have the power to manipulate and change your body to whatever shape you want. Milo "Doc" Watson Learn how to lose weight and keep it off long term |
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Blog of Ian Glass, formerly obese, founder & owner of Ian Glass Fitness, transforming people through health & fitness, physically & mentally. |
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